Folds of the Soul/ Portraits in Time
Research by Kate Wilson with collaborating dance artists Ben McEwan & Svenja Bühl
Embodied approaches to image and movement
creation within improvised duet and portrait forms. 2020
Portraiture is understood in this research as a relational act. It is time spent between artist and subject and is both processual and dialogic.
I am interested in how new language forms can emerge through a softening of boundaries between these dance and visual forms, also, what can be revealed about the relational dialogic experience through the inter relating disciplines and the potential blurring of roles, artist/ subject in the developing practice. In particular I hope to reveal some of the fundamental elements that are often hidden in the creation and in the enduring object of the portrait through a collaborative practice that benefits from the cross referencing of the implicit and explicit elements that underpin these visual and movement based modalities.