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Curves of Time

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"Embodied approaches to image and movement creation within improvised duets and portraits."

Addressing relational and durational elements inherent in the visual art genre of portraiture, the installation explores embodied approaches to image and movement creation within improvised duets and portraits. Live, recorded and fabricated work investigates differences in the relating of each media to movement and performance. Live performances took place over two days at the studios, culminating the week long installation of works on canvas, paper and  films exhibited in the theatre.

Portraiture remains a unique and long-established genre for the exploration of our relational experiences of self and other, both in the collaborative act between artist and subject and in the enduring generated image. Whilst discussion of these dialogical aspects within portraiture have been ongoing throughout its history, the relational medium of ‘dance duet’ incorporated in Curves of Time seeks to further unveil some of its deeper implicit elements.

Influenced by her background in dance and visual art, Kate Wilson has collaborated with two dance artists in integrated processes of improvised dance and portraiture in charcoal and oil paint. The resulting installation includes live performance, ten works on canvas and paper, and two video works that explore the emerging relationships between drawing, painting and performance. The live performance with dance artist Svenja Bühl is an invitation to witness the trans-disciplinary duet process as well as an opportunity for live engagement, as each journey by the audience through the performance space becomes an additional dialogic aspect within the process.


With an ongoing interest in how new modes of practice and how extended understanding can emerge through a softening of boundaries between dance and visual art forms, Curves of Time investigates the inherent dynamic aspects of ourselves and our interactions, bringing us towards new definitions in visual art portraiture and dance.

Supported by: Leitrim Local Live Performance Programme with development and research supported by Echo Echo Festival of Movement Commission Award 2021.

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